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Noble Namur

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There's a bit of everything here. LF route, hills, rivers, hills, conobation and hills.

Passing through

Tervuren - Grez Doiceau - Eghezee - Scalyn - Yvior - Ham sur Sambre - Villers La Ville - Tervuren

Suggested stops

Eghezee - Sports Café. 54k

Yvior. Cafe Du Bocq. 104k

Villers La Ville - Le Chalet de la Forest. 166k


1900m. 13.4% max


This ride is evidence that Belgium isn't flat.

GPS Download link

204k. 2000m climbing

Noble Namur Lite. Avoids climbing south of Namur. Follows the river instead

180k. 1500m climbing

Last updated   05/07/2024

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