Brussels - Luxembourg - Brussels

This ride will run as an official BRM on 2 August 2025
Time limit 40hrs​
Sign up link below
Day 1 Day 2
Day 1 - 315kms. Day 2 - 285kms
Warm up by climbing the Smeysberg Hill (8.3%) then catch the EuroVelo5 to Namur and Dinant. Cross the river at Givet and cycle in the forest and farmland then hitch on the W8 cycle path all the way to Neufchateau. More forest and countryside follows down to Arlon. Cross the border and pick up the 12, 14 and EuroVelo5 cycle paths through Luxembourg City, followed by cycle path 2 to Echernach and the hostel on the lake. Cycle path 3 follows the river for 30kms before a big climb and descent on the PC22 up to Wahlhausen and some stunning scenery until Wiltz. Cycle path 20 crosses the border to Bastogne and EuroVelo5 goes to Huy where the route descends the famous climb. The L127, W2 and W142 cycle paths bring the total kms to 550km when small, quiet roads complete the trip.
Passing Through
Tervuren - Huldenburg - Grez Doiceau - Chaumont Gistoux - Euro5 - Namur - Dinant - Givet - Vencimont - Gedinne - Louette Saint Denis - Bieve - Ochamps - Neufchateau - Legise - Habay la Neuve - Hachy - Fouches - Arlon - Kleinbettingen - Euro5 - Mamer - Strassen - Luxembourg - Hostert - Beidweisler - Echernach - Reisdorf - Roth an der Our - Putscheid - Penzenbierg - Alscheid - Wiltz - Bastogne - Givry - Euro5 - La Roche en Ardenne - Hotton - Grandhan - Bois - L126 - Modave - Huy - Wanze - L127 - Fumal - Hannut - Jauche - L142 - Jodoigne - Hoegaarden - Beauvechain - Neerijse - Leefdaal - Tervuren
Suggested Stops
Namur - 69K
Gedinne - 149k
Neufchateau - 199k
Luxembourg - 274k
Echternach - 335k (YHA hotel@315k)
Bastogne - 408k
La Roche en Ardenne - 445k
Huy - 501k
Jodoigne - 555k
When booking write "Randonneurs" in the "Remarks" box
NOTE - Book soon. It is a popular place to stay!
Bag drop
1 small bag drop is included and will be brought to the Youth Hostel
Starts at 6am at the youth hostel or
I can provide breakfast from 4h30> 10euro, payable at the start
5400m. 14.9% max
In addition to the left/right turn sheet, I will produce a detailed list of towns that will be passed through and whether or not there are food options at each one