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I have created this site simply as a route sharing platform.


The rides are not events. In no way am I to be held liable or responsible for any activity which takes place using one of my routes. I try to make the rides as safe as is reasonably practicable. However, cycling cannot be risk free and is inherently dangerous. Every rider must be responsible for their own safety and judge whether they and their equipment are fit to take part.


That said, a few times a year, some routes will run as an official BRM/Audax/randonneur rides, accredited through ACP. A full list of these can be found on the BRM Calendars page as well as the official Belgian randonneurs website


I can not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to personal property or for personal injury not arising as a result of our own act or default. Riders are strongly advised to check they have their own insurance cover, particularly for injury to third parties.


I have route tested all of the rides but I can not guarantee that they will be road work free at any time.


Please use common sense and enjoy the ride.

Last updated   04/01/2025

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